About Me

About Me


After years of being encouraged by my peers, I FINALLY created this site.  This site is designed to educate and motivate, taking seemingly complicated information and breaking it down into into simple form to assist you in your pursuit of a strong, healthy, and admirable physique.

Mass media’s invasion of the health and fitness industry has successfully shattered it into pieces and reassembled as this massively complicated, confusing concept that requires a Ph.D. from MIT to navigate.  It’s no wonder people are frustrated and discouraged – throwing their hands up in defeat at the thought of ever reaching their fitness and wellness goals.  It’s disheartening to see, and I can no longer sit on the sidelines and observe.

I know firsthand the Confidence that comes with dedication, consistency, and a dash of discipline — with actually Liking what stares back at you in the mirror. There is no feeling like it. I have forever been a gym addict. It is my second home and sanctuary. There are few places that can replace the energy, pride, and sense of community that comes from being in the gym.  It’s infectious. Alive. The psychological value of exercise is enormous, and I simply want to pave the way for others to share in that benefit, to understand its power to transform any area of your life.

Over the last 20 years, I have collected an array of experiences, knowledge, and observations, laying the groundwork for my development into a well-rounded, well-informed advocate for resistance training and living a healthy, active lifestyle. The seed that was planted by my dad in our home garage gym at age 15 sprouted into a lifelong passion that lead to opportunities as a collegiate athlete and rowing coach, strength and conditioning coach, personal trainer, assistant fitness director and current administrator in college athletics.

By applying the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid) I hope to peel away this coating of confusion enveloping the fitness industry and return it to its basic principles — because there truly is Simplicity in Strength. I hope you enjoy!

Education & Credentials

B.S., Exercise Science – Ithaca College

M.A., Kinesiology – University of Connecticut

M.Ed., Intercollegiate Athletic Leadership – University of Washington

NSCA-Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist

Precision Nutrition, Level 1 Coach

Customized training programs and nutrition coaching packages are available to help you get from where you are to where you want to be!

Just click Contact Me for more information.