What is a Coach, really?

A Coach helps get you from “Where you are” to “Where you want to be.”
In any area, whether it’s learning to play chess or a musical instrument, practicing your acting or public speaking skills, losing weight, or training for any array of athletic feats, Coaches are there, diligently working in the background to continually move you in the direction of Where you want to be.
First, take a moment and think about a fitness or wellness goal you currently have. Be as specific and realistic as possible.
Next, examine where you are currently as it relates to achieving that goal.
Finally, honestly ask yourself if you have everything you need to confidently take yourself from “Where you are now” to “Where you want to be.” (e.g., Resources, support, knowledge, discipline, desire)
If the answer is “Yes”, congratulations. Now get to work!
If the answer is “No” or a more hesitant, “I’m not sure”, then you may want to consider consulting with outside counsel — i.e., a Coach. A Coach can fill any number of gaps, from simple accountability, to providing motivation and encouragement, supervision of exercise technique, or prescribing specific nutrition and exercise programs tailored for your goals.
Consider your possible sticking points or perceived obstacles (i.e., your Achilles heel) that will hinder, or completely prevent, you from getting to Where you want to be. Then seek out a Coach that can successfully remove them.

Example: Do you struggle with the discipline of getting yourself to the gym? Especially when it requires getting up early or showing up after a long day at work?
A coach could help hold you accountable. Not to mention the motivation that comes from our strong aversion to disappoint or inconvenience people who are counting on us. If you know a Coach or friend is going to be there waiting for you, you are far less likely to bail.
Example: Do you back off the intensity or stop before you’re done when exercising by yourself? Do you simply have no idea what you’re doing so you just copy what you see other people post on Instagram or do in the gym?

A coach can take over the program creation AND keep you on task during workouts.
Example: Carbs and Fats and Protein, oh my! What to eat, what NOT to eat, how often to eat, how much to eat, supplements to take, ounces to drink.
A Coach can help you navigate those waters by aligning your unique nutritional needs with your specific goals. The sea of ever-changing nutritional information and advice available today is a behemoth, easily capable of derailing anyone right out of the gate.

The answer is simple. If Where you want to be is important enough to you, and you aren’t confident that you can get there on your own — hire a Coach.